You know when song lyrics kind of speak to you? It is almost as if the lyrics are a perfect description of your life, sort of like the writer knew exactly what was going through your head or going on in that moment. That epiphany happened to me. Just last week I was listening to my favorite "90s on 9" and heard Matchbox 20's lyrics: "I wish the real world would just stop hassling me". For the past few weeks, I wished that the real world would in fact, just go away.
Every time somebody begins to ask me what I am doing come May 2010 or what I want to be when I grow up, my knees start to buckle and part of me wants to crawl into a hole. Sure it would be easier to never leave Muhlenberg or conveniently forget that I am graduating in five months. And for a while, I thought I was the only person who had these feelings. Then? I realized that all these emotions came with being a senior. Apparently not wanting to leave the Muhlen-bubble is a common sentiment.
Welcome to my blog.
My name is Jessica and I am a Career Assistant in the Career Center. Like the people this blog is aimed at, I too am a senior and I am getting ready to dive head first into life outside of Muhlenberg. Perhaps this blog is more a catharsis than a place of advice. Somehow writing about job hunting makes it seem less scary. Another part of me is writing this blog for seniors. It's here that I will offer career tips and post relevant articles about the job market and whats in store for us come Graduation Day. And yet another part of me realizes that all this information may seem like common sense. It tends to lose value when it comes from parents and people that are older and, dare I say, wiser. So I decided to start a blog, giving me a chance to parlay information to you---student to student and more importantly, senior to senior.
This blog will catalog my job search and hopefully help guide you through yours as well. Just like applying for jobs, this blog is ever-evolving---send me a message if there is something you would like to read about or if there is a question you may have.
Welcome to the final semester, Seniors. It is going to be absolutely amazing.
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