Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Growing up, my dad always urged me to read The New York Times. He thought that I could learn a thing or two about grammer, good writing and current events. But when I went away to college, reading the Times every morning became a lost practice. Enter I even have the app on my iPhone and it makes staying up to date a whole different ballgame.

Even now, I read the New York Times daily. Sometimes it is online and sometimes it is in print (Thanks Muhlenberg for subscribing.) And without fail, my dad sends me articles pertaining to the economy, job market or growing up in general. While his articles may seem overbearing at times, they have also made for good inspiration. I know many of us don't have time to read the newspaper let alone do part of our assignments, so I will post what I think to be relevant articles for you to skim and enjoy.

It turns out that the New York Times provides unassuming career advice. It has a section called 'Corner Office' where CEOs and business owners sit down and provide their personal experiences in the job market. I began clicking and reading the interviews and came across Bobbi Brown's story. In the make-up realm, Bobbi Brown is queen, but she is also an incredibly sucessful business woman. Her interview provided insight into her personal work philosophy, hiring processes and her career tips.

There are two quotes that stuck with me. The first is:

"I don't think about interviewing them for work. I first try to understand who they are as people."

Her hiring outlook seems so unusual yet so practical. There are countless people (myself included) who majored in one subject but want to pursue careers in another. Interviewing a person based off their past experiences, interests and goals can provide for a well-rounded perspective of that person. At the end of the day, your hiring may depend on your qualifications, but it helps to know that perhaps an employer is also factoring in the rest of "you".

The second quote that stood out was:

"When you are talking to someone, look them in the eye. Always tell the truth. And you have to start at the bottom. I don't care who you are and what you do, you have to start at the bottom. If there's a job as a receptionist at a company you would love to work for and there's nothing else, get that job. And don't just sit there."

It seems so simple to remember to look at someone in the eye when you are speaking to them, but it is also so easy to forget it when you are in the process of interviewing. Eye contact is one of the most important parts of interviewing--it shows that you are engaged, interested and focused. Telling the truth should not be an option--lying about your experiences on your resume or in person won't end of helping you in the long run and it can make you appear dishonest. As for starting at the bottom? Where else would you start! I guarantee that every successful person has started as an administrative assistant, working part time or in a job that wasn't their first choice. In order to grow, you have to start small. But in order to move up, you need to be motivated and a hard worker. Simply sitting there won't ensure your success, but being proactive will.

Look for more of these Corner Office excerpts in the future!

For the rest of the interview, click here:

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